" You cannot touch love but you can feel the sweetness it pours into everything." Helen Keller 

A little About Me
From a very young age I have been led to navigate from the heart and spirit of community transformation and movement. Even as a child I could hold the attention of many and direct their eyes to a goal. As a 7 year old I began my first campaign to help pay for field trips for some of my classmates who were impoverished. I enlisted the help of my parents, unaware that we weren’t wealthy. While begrudgingly a lot of time, they supported me and would sponsor dozens of field trips for my classmates through my elementary schooling. In my heart, I believe I was called to advocate for the marginalized, ostracized, impoverished and alienated since I was a child.  With my background in music, spiritual upbringing, and 30 years of community outreach experience, I have honed my skills in creating presentations that resonate with people on an emotional level. My focus is on the heart, the most vital aspect of our human connection. I strive to inspire individuals to embark on a more healed and aware journey in life.
I have an optimistic outlook on life, both professionally and personally. As a Program manager, with a background in Operations Management, I have honed the ability to achieve goals efficiently.  I've curated two presentations that highlight what I've experienced in life, which showcases my tenacity and resilience. Getting on the other side of some obstacles have profoundly impacted my life for the better, and I am eager to share them with the world to promote positive and lasting change in the educational enviroment and corporate sphere.
To deliver presentations that aim to increase understanding about Healing, Autism and Neurodivergence. Together, we explore how my condition affected me personally and professionally. My talk, "Autism Through a Different Lens," highlights the challenges faced by Autistic individuals and suggests ways for employers to support their employees. Through sharing my personal experiences and insights, I want to encourage more inclusive dialogues and make an invisible condition for many, more visible. Additionally, I desire to help create a place of acceptance in corporate cultures for Nuerodivergent individuals, hopefully increasing the corporation's value of Diversity and Inclusion and helping vulnerable employees maximize their potential.
Autism Through a Different Lens
Back to school campaigns 

Education has always been an integral part of my path. Accessibility to educational tools continues to be a global issue. By leading back to school campaigns we connect to those needing the tools while also creating an opportunity for the community to support. I was able to raise enough funds for backpacks, writing tools, and didactic materials needed for more than children.

  • The corporate office I worked for was sponsoring a back to school campaign for 150 students. I led a crowdfund and raised enough money to cover the needs of 24 students. 
  • I led a back to school drive for indigenous children in Macas, Ecuador. Purchases were made for uniforms and back to school supplies for 27 children. 
Black Panther

I collaborated with two Baltimore City school teachers to raise over $2,000 to send students to watch Black Panther in the theater. I raised enough funds to cover the costs of tickets, snacks, and transportation.
  • 250 students
  • 89 donors
  • Raised over 2k.
School Lunch Debt

After reading about the issue of public school lunch debt in several news stories, I contacted teachers in different states to gather more information about the situation in their schools. Once I had the total lunch debt, I started a crowdfunding campaign to help address it.

  • Money raised- $2,300
  • Cleared lunch debt in four schools in the US.
  • 400 students fed through an organization, Life Builders, in Detroit. 
Community Blood Drives

My father was a regular blood donor to the Red Cross and other charitable organizations. I led two blood drives in Dr. Gaddy's honor.

  • While working with T-Mobile in New Jersey, I suggested that the company hold a blood drive, which was completed on October 2, 2019. 
  • I organized two blood drives in memory of my father, Dr. Kirk Gaddy, which were held in January and May of 2021. Total donors- 150.
Thanksgiving Campaigns
For years, I've been providing Thanksgiving meals to families. In 2019, I decided to expand my efforts and organized a Thanksgiving Blitz with the help of seven volunteer chefs and bakers. We prepared meals for seven underprivileged families nominated from around the country. To fund the food, I launched a crowdfunding campaign.
  • Seven families were fed across the country ( CA, TX, IL, NJ, MD, GA)
  • Raised over $2,000
(Single) Father’s 

Although it's not often discussed, there are many single fathers out here who deserve recognition. On a random day in December 2021, I decided to show my appreciation for them by asking my social media friends to nominate single fathers who deserved to be honored. People began to donate to the cause that same day.

  • $700.00
  • Men-7
(Single) Mother's
I’ve led different efforts to assist single mothers and domestic abuse victims. Whether for an organization or asked directly by individuals.


  • After a house fire left a single mother and her daughter homeless. I raised over $1,000 in 24 hours for the mother and her child. 
  • In May 2022, I raised over $600 for a single mother of three living in a motel. 

“ Alone, we can do so little; Together we can, we can do so much."

”Helen Keller
  • Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice ( American InterContinental University)
  • Masters in Business Administration ( American InterContinental University)
  •  ( In progress) Master of Divinity  ( Merrimack University)

  • Business Leadership Certification ( University of Washington) 
  • Project Management ( Cornell University)

Udemy Courses/ Certification:
  • The Complete Agile Scrum Fundamental Certification 
  • Product Manager Certification  
  • Smartsheet Project Management 

Moana Part I

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